1. v-c-e-b-sm


Vue CLI Plugin Electron Builder

A Vue Cli 3 plugin for Electron with no required configuration that uses Electron Builder.

Windows (Appveyor): Build status, Linux (Travis): Build Status, Greenkeeper: Greenkeeper badge

IMPORTANT: Your app must be created with Vue-CLI 3 (vue create my-app), will not work with Vue-CLI 2 (vue init webpack my-app)!

IMPORTANT: These docs are for the v1.0.0-beta release of VCP Electron Builder. If you were previously using an older version of vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder (<1.0.0), please see the upgrade guide or view the old docs.

Quick Start:

Open a terminal in the directory of your app created with Vue-CLI 3.

Then, install and invoke the generator of vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder by running:

vue add electron-builder

That's It! You're ready to go!

To start a development server:

If you use Yarn (strongly recommended):

yarn serve:electron

or if you use NPM:

npm run serve:electron

To build your app:

With Yarn:

yarn build:electron

or with NPM:

npm run build:electron

To see more documentation, visit our website.