1. vue-cli-plugin-cobra-router


Vue CLI plugin for Router


:watermelon: Support history mode and hash mode

:pushpin: Automatically generate routing and dynamic nested routing based on the file tree of the Vue file in the directory

:doughnut: Custom routing meta information in the component

:hammer: Support asynchronous authentication routing (route guard)

:pizza: Multi-language seamless routing, asynchronous loading of translation

:violin: URL localization

:gun: Support setting the default language (there is no language prefix in the URL)

:meat_on_bone: load the last used language when you visit the website again

:sake: routing jump is simple and convenient


Ensure you are in a project generated by Vue CLI v3. You install this plugin by running the following command:

 # init project
$ vue create hello-world

# enter the catalog
$ cd hello-world

# If you did not install router plugin yet
$ vue add router

# Install vue-cli-plugin-cobra-router
$ vue add cobra-router

After adding the plugin, the file structure will be the below.

├── lang/
├──── locallized-urls/
├──── translations/
├── layouts/
├── pages/
└── router.js