1. vue-cli-plugin-dayjs



Vue CLI 3 plugin to add dayjs to your vue project.


❗️Do not install this package as a dependency, it will install the plugin source code instead installing the plugin, use the following command if your project is based on vue-cli 3+, it will automatically install day.js as devDependency and expose the $day() method as a Vue prototype for you to use in SFCs. Learn more about vue-cli plugins here: https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/plugins-and-presets.html

 vue add dayjs


You can use the this.$day() method anywhere in your SFCs, to use it outside of SFCs, for example in vuex store files or js files simply import dayjs. Learn more about day.js here: https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs




 <!-- inside template/html -->
  <p>{{ $day().format('DD-MM-YY hh:mma') }}</p> <!--  11-05-2019 04:05pm  -->
 // insdie script
export default {
  created() {
    const now = this.$day().format('DD-MM-YY hh:mma')
    console.log(now) // 11-05-2019 04:05pm 