1. vue-easy-multi-file-upload



File uploading made easy for vueJs. Custom validators, custom styling, file preview support for image & videos...

Please use the latest version.


How to use

1. Install package via npm

 npm i vue-easy-multi-file-upload --save

2. Import & use

  <div id="app">
    <VueEasyMultiFileUpload :config="config" v-model="values" />

import VueEasyMultiFileUpload from "vue-easy-multi-file-upload";

export default {
  components: { VueEasyMultiFileUpload },
  data() {
    return {
      config: {
        id: "multi-file-uploader",
        label: "Upload your files",
        maxFiles: 6,
        uploadUrl: "...",
        deleteUrl: "...",
        uploadHttpMethod: "POST",
        deleteHttpMethod: "DELETE",
        uploadFieldName: "file",
        deleteFieldName: "filePath",
        Authorization: "Bearer ...",
        style: {
          width: "90px",
          height: "75px",
        allowExt: ["jpg", "png", "gif", "mp4", "txt", "webm", "pdf"],
        maxSize: 5,
        delimiter: "|",
        customValidator: (file) => {
          // ... custom validation logic ...
          return {
            status: true, // or false
            message: "It passes validation" // or null
          // Tip: function can be async, can also return promise
      values: null


There is only one prop i.e. config. Fields marked with asterisk(*) are required.

Name Description Default Value
*uploadUrl* URL to upload file. Specified request is sent as FormData.
uploadHttpMethod* HTTP method for uploadUrl. Generally it's either POST or PUT. POST
uploadFieldName* Name of key for FormData that holds file. file
deleteUrl URL to delete file. Specified request is sent to this url with application/json ContentType & uploaded file's path.
deleteHttpMethod HTTP method for deleteUrl. Generally its DELETE, can also be POST or PUT. DELETE
deleteFieldName fieldName containing file path to delete. filePath
Authorization Authorization header. eg: Beaker token
allowExt* File extensions to allow. Used for validating file before upload. ["jpg", "png", "gif", "mp4", "txt", "pdf"]
maxSize Max size of file in Mb.
maxFiles Maximum number of files to upload
label Text to show at initial state. Also supports HTML. Upload a file
uploadingMessage Text to show at uploading state. Also supports HTML. Loading...
style Custom style for file upload section. Accepts style in plain string or object
delimiter If delimiter is specified, a single string containing file paths seperated by delimeter is returned. eg: pipes, comma
id Id of parent element multi-file-uploader
customValidator Custom validation for uploaded file before sending it to server. View example above.
compress Compress images. Uses compressorjs false
compressorOptions Compressorjs options. View compressorjs for more details null


Name Description
@input Fired when new file is uploaded or existing file is deleted