1. vue-on-scroll


Vue onscroll

Adds v-on-scroll directive to vue.
Directive calls function or toggles class when element changes visibility.

Options and Modifiers

Option Type Default Description
useCapture bool false Capture scroll events anywhere in the DOM.
baseClass string Add this class to all elements with the directive.
directive string on-scroll Use custom directive name.
framerate number 20 Max framerate for checking visibility.
Lower values increase performace higher values increase precision.
Suggested range: 10 - 60
Modifier Description
capture Capture scroll events anywhere in the DOM.
repeat Perform action every time visibility changes, not only the first time.


 import Vue from 'vue'
import VueOnScroll from 'vue-on-scroll'
Vue.use(VueOnScroll, {useCapture: true})


Toggle visible class every time.

 <p v-on-scroll.repeat>Hello world</p>

Call onscroll method the first time only.

 <p v-on-scroll="onscroll">Hello world</p>

Toggle animate class the first time only, when any element is scrolled.

 <img v-on-scroll.capture="'animate'" src="some/image.bmp"/>