1. vue-page-editor



Vue3 Low-code page editor

Preview Website



 $ npm install vue-page-editor

Using yarn:

 $ yarn add vue-page-editor

Using pnpm:

 $ pnpm add vue-page-editor

Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import approach:

 import VuePageEditor from 'vue-page-editor';

There are currently two modes for use

  EDITOR: 1,

Edit Mode


<script setup>
import VuePageEditor from 'vue-page-editor';

const options = {
  // baseURL: 'http://xx.xxx.xx.xxx', // Internal interface request address IP or Domain
  tools: 'back preview save', // Available toolbar
  customStyle: {
    // Custom style
const handlePreview = (config) => {
  // Configuration data

Preview mode


<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import VuePageEditor from 'vue-page-editor';

// Configuration data created through the editor
const config = ref({});

const options = {
  // baseURL: 'http://xx.xxx.xx.xxx', // Internal interface request address IP or Domain
  tools: 'back preview save', // Available toolbar
  customStyle: {
    // Custom style

vue-page-editor Attributes

Name Description Type Accepted Values Default
editor-type Editor type number 1 / 2 1
options configuration options, see the following table object
page-info Configuration data created through the editor object
page-id Template ID obtained through the qmcoder backend string

vue-page-editor Events

Name Description Parameters
save triggers when the user clicks save config
preview triggers when the user clicks preview config
back triggers when the user clicks back -

vue-page-editor Methods

Method Description Parameters
- -

vue-page-editor Slots

Name Description
- -


Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
baseURL Internal interface request address IP or Domain string ip / domain http://localhost:3002/
tools The editor toolbar includes save, preview, and back string back preview save
customStyle Custom Style object