1. vuex-gtag


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Vuex-Analytics { Google Analytics Plugin }

Vuex Analytics Plugin to send custom events every time you dispatch an action inside your Store

Why? 🥸

The logic of your application is inside your Vuex Store, so why don't you measure all your data and actions directly from your store in an asynchronous way?

How? 🤯

Literally three steps:

  1. Install plugin
  2. Install Google Analytics
  3. Include an analytics object inside the payload of your action

Usage / Instructions ⚙️ 🤙🏻

Install plugin

Inside your store file you need to add the following code:

import VuexAnalytics from 'vuex-analytics'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
    plugins: [VuexAnalytics]

First import the module, and add to the array of plugins inside the constructor of your store

Install Google Analytics

Inside your Google Analytics Account:

  1. Click on settings

  2. On the property tab click on Tracking Code

  3. Copy paste tracking code inside the <head> tags inside your HTML file.

Include an analytics object inside the payload of your action

Now you only have to add an analytics object inside the payload of your actions.

Inside your store


const store = new Vuex.Store({
  actions: {
    myFirstAction ({ dispatch }}) {
      dispatch('anotherAction', {
	      analytics: {
			  action: 'play',
			  category: 'video_play',
			  label: 'Landing Page Video Play',
			  value: 1
	anotherAction(ctx, payload){
		console.log("[Action]: anotherAction", payload, ctx)

Inside your component 🧩


With the Store Object: 🏬

export default {
  // ...
  methods: {
		  this.$store.dispatch('analyticsAction', {
		    analytics: {
			  action: 'play',
			  category: 'video_play',
			  label: 'Landing Page Video Play',
			  value: 1

With the Action Helper: 🏬🖐🏻

import { mapActions } from 'vuex'

export default {
  // ...
  methods: {
		    analytics: {
			  action: 'play',
			  category: 'video_play',
			  label: 'Landing Page Video Play',
			  value: 1

The only important part is to add an Analytics Object in the payload of your analytics object

Event Reference from Analytics

enter image description here

You can use this premade categories from Google Analytics or create your owns.

Pro-tip: Always create your custom category events.

Please check the Google Analytics® documentation: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/events