1. cp-cli
A 'cp' CLI util for Node.js
Package: cp-cli
Created by: screendriver
Last modified: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 02:16:12 GMT
Version: 2.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 42,100
Repository: https://github.com/screendriver/cp-cli


npm install cp-cli
yarn add cp-cli


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code style: prettier

The UNIX command cp for Node.js
which is useful for cross platform support.

Just install it with

 $ npm install -g cp-cli

After that you can use cp-cli from your command prompt

 $ cp-cli
Usage: cp-cli [-d] source target

  -d, --dereference  Dereference symlinks  [boolean]

You can copy files directly

 $ cp-cli foo.txt bar.txt

or copy a file into an existing directory

 $ cp-cli foo.text dest/


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