1. eslint-plugin-standard
ESlint Plugin for the Standard Linter
Package: eslint-plugin-standard
Created by: standard
Last modified: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 22:46:13 GMT
Version: 5.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 4,258,462
Repository: https://github.com/standard/eslint-plugin-standard


npm install eslint-plugin-standard
yarn add eslint-plugin-standard

eslint-plugin-standard travis npm downloads javascript style guide

Deprecated: This package isn't used by standard anymore, as of standard v16. See: https://github.com/standard/standard/issues/1316

ESlint Rules for the Standard Linter


npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-standard


 module.exports = {
  rules: {
    'standard/object-curly-even-spacing': [2, 'either'],
    'standard/array-bracket-even-spacing': [2, 'either'],
    'standard/computed-property-even-spacing': [2, 'even'],
    'standard/no-callback-literal': [2, ['cb', 'callback']]

Rules Explanations

There are several rules that were created specifically for the standard linter.

  • object-curly-even-spacing - Like object-curly-spacing from ESLint except it has an either option which lets you have 1 or 0 spaces padding.
  • array-bracket-even-spacing - Like array-bracket-even-spacing from ESLint except it has an either option which lets you have 1 or 0 spacing padding.
  • computed-property-even-spacing - Like computed-property-spacing around ESLint except is has an even option which lets you have 1 or 0 spacing padding.
  • no-callback-literal - Ensures that we strictly follow the callback pattern with undefined, null or an error object in the first position of a callback.


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