1. gulp-exit
Terminates gulp task.
Package: gulp-exit
Created by: dreame4
Last modified: Sat, 18 Jun 2022 17:02:54 GMT
Version: 0.0.2
License: MIT
Downloads: 10,794
Repository: https://github.com/dreame4/gulp-exit


npm install gulp-exit
yarn add gulp-exit


gulp-exit ensures that the task is terminated after finishing.

Some plugins, like gulp-mocha, have problems with a proper termination after finishing the task. This plugin guarantees that the task will exit successfully.


 var mocha = require('gulp-mocha'),
    exit = require('gulp-exit');

    reporter: 'dot',
    ui: 'bdd',
    growl: true,
    timeout: 2000,
    useColors: true,
    useInlineDiffs: true


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