1. iview-loader
Better to combine with webpack
Package: iview-loader
Created by: view-design
Last modified: Fri, 06 May 2022 08:27:20 GMT
Version: 1.3.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 3,856
Repository: https://github.com/view-design/iview-loader


npm install iview-loader
yarn add iview-loader


iView Loader

Brief Introduction

Uniform iView tag writing specification, all tags can be used in the form of capital letters, including two tags Switch and Circle that are restricted by Vue.

Although not recommended, you can use the loader option configuration to open all tag prefixes, such as i-date-picker.



First, install iview-loader through npm

npm install iview-loader --save-dev


Configure webpack to rewrite the normal vue-loader configuration, such as:

 module: {
    rules: [
            test: /\.vue$/,
            use: [
                    loader: 'vue-loader',
                    options: {
                    loader: 'iview-loader',
                    options: {
                        prefix: false


  • You can write <Switch> and <Circle> tags now.
  • After the parameter prefix is set to true, all iView component tag names can be prefixed, such as <i-row> and <i-select>.

The following is the complete tag name:

    'i-affix': 'Affix',
    'i-alert': 'Alert',
    'i-auto-complete': 'AutoComplete',
    'i-avatar': 'Avatar',
    'i-back-top': 'BackTop',
    'i-badge': 'Badge',
    'i-breadcrumb': 'Breadcrumb',
    'i-breadcrumb-item': 'BreadcrumbItem',
    'i-button': 'Button',
    'i-button-group': 'ButtonGroup',
    'i-card': 'Card',
    'i-carousel': 'Carousel',
    'i-carousel-item': 'CarouselItem',
    'i-cascader': 'Cascader',
    'i-checkbox': 'Checkbox',
    'i-checkbox-group': 'CheckboxGroup',
    'i-circle': 'i-circle',
    'i-col': 'Col',
    'i-collapse': 'Collapse',
    'i-color-picker': 'ColorPicker',
    'i-date-picker': 'DatePicker',
    'i-dropdown': 'Dropdown',
    'i-dropdown-item': 'DropdownItem',
    'i-dropdown-menu': 'DropdownMenu',
    'i-form': 'Form',
    'i-form-item': 'FormItem',
    'i-icon': 'Icon',
    'i-input': 'Input',
    'i-input-number': 'InputNumber',
    'i-menu': 'Menu',
    'i-menu-group': 'MenuGroup',
    'i-menu-item': 'MenuItem',
    'i-submenu': 'Submenu',
    'i-modal': 'Modal',
    'i-option': 'Option',
    'i-option-group': 'OptionGroup',
    'i-page': 'Page',
    'i-panel': 'Panel',
    'i-poptip': 'Poptip',
    'i-progress': 'Progress',
    'i-radio': 'Radio',
    'i-radio-group': 'RadioGroup',
    'i-rate': 'Rate',
    'i-row': 'Row',
    'i-select': 'Select',
    'i-slider': 'Slider',
    'i-spin': 'Spin',
    'i-step': 'Step',
    'i-steps': 'Steps',
    'i-switch': 'i-switch',
    'i-table': 'Table',
    'i-tabs': 'Tabs',
    'i-tab-pane': 'TabPane',
    'i-tag': 'Tag',
    'i-timeline': 'Timeline',
    'i-timeline-item': 'TimelineItem',
    'i-time-picker': 'TimePicker',
    'i-tooltip': 'Tooltip',
    'i-transfer': 'Transfer',
    'i-tree': 'Tree',
    'i-upload': 'Upload'



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