1. jasmine-co
Jasmine adapter to facilitate the use of ES6 generators via co.
Package: jasmine-co
Created by: gradecam
Last modified: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 03:45:32 GMT
Version: 1.2.2
License: MIT
Downloads: 6,003
Repository: https://github.com/gradecam/jasmine-co


npm install jasmine-co
yarn add jasmine-co

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Table of Contents


jasmine-co is a simple Jasmine 2.x adapter that allows you to use
co and ES6 generator functions to greatly
simplify your asynchronous test code using synchronous patterns.

jasmine-co also enables you to return promises from your specs without
manually worrying about handling Jasmine's done callback. For you
TypeScript fans, this means you can trivially use async/await.

Testing asynchronous functions doesn't have to be painful.


  1. NodeJS with support for generators
    • you can use [email protected] with --harmony
    • or save yourself some trouble and just use [email protected] which enables
      support for generators, arrow functions, and other ES6 features by
  2. Jasmine 2.x

Quick Start

  1. Install jasmine-co
    • globally, e.g. in a helpers file
    • install / uninstall within a specific describe block
    • install / uninstall for a specific it
    • one-off usage
    • etc.
  2. Write tests as normal, but instead of using function + done, either...
    • use function* and yield, or
    • a function that returns a promise (thennable)
  3. That's it.
Installed globally
 // spec/helpers/jasmine-co.helper.js

// spec/bookService.spec.js
describe("user models", function() {
        this.user = yield getUser(1);

    it("should be able to get a list of owned books", function*() {
        var books = yield bookService.getBooksForUser(this.user);

    it("should also work when promises are returned", function() {
        return bookService.getBooksForUser(this.user).then(function(books) {
Installed temporarily
 // spec/bookService.spec.js
var jasmineCo = require('jasmine-co');
describe("user models", function() {
    // install jasmine-co for methods in this describe block

        this.user = yield getUser(1);

    it("should be able to get a list of owned books", function*() {
        var books = yield bookService.getBooksForUser(this.user);

    it("should also work when promises are returned", function() {
        return bookService.getBooksForUser(this.user).then(function(books) {

    // clean up
One-off usage
 // spec/bookService.spec.js
var jasmineCo = require('jasmine-co');
describe("user models", function() {
    // use jasmine-co as a one-off
        this.user = yield getUser(1);

    // use jasmine-co as a one-off again
    it("should be able to get a list of owned books", jasmineCo(function*() {
        var books = yield bookService.getBooksForUser(this.user);

    // use jasmine-co as a one-off for a promise-returning spec
    it("should also work when promises are returned", function() {
        return bookService.getBooksForUser(this.user).then(function(books) {
TypeScript async/await example
 // spec/helpers/jasmine-co.helper.js

// spec/bookService.spec.ts
describe("user models", function() {
    beforeEach(async function(){
        this.user = await getUser(1);

    it("should be able to get a list of owned books", async function() {
        var books = await bookService.getBooksForUser(this.user);

Comparison / Examples

How does jasmine-co actually help you clean up your test code?
To answer that question, consider the following examples.

All examples are functionally equivalent.

1. Promises
 beforeEach(function(done) {
    var self = this;
    userService.getUser(1).then(function(user) {
        self.user = user;
        return bookService.getBooksForUser(user);
    }).then(function(books) {
        self.books = books;
    }).then(done, done.fail);

it('should track books that are listed for sale', function(done) {
    var self = this;
    var book = this.books[0];
    book.listForSale(3.99).then(function() {
        return bookService.getBooksListedForSaleByUser(self.user);
    }).then(function(forSale) {
    }).then(done, done.fail);
2. Using co directly
 var co = require('co');
beforeEach(function(done) {
    var self = this;
    co(function*() {
        self.user = yield userService.getUser(1);
        self.books = yield bookService.getBooksForUser(self.user);
    }).then(done, done.fail);

it('should track books that are listed for sale', function(done) {
    var self = this;
    var book = this.books[0];
    co(function*() {
        yield book.listForSale(3.99);
        var forSale = yield bookService.getBooksListedForSaleByUser(self.user);
    }).then(done, done.fail);
3. Using jasmine-co
beforeEach(function*() {
    this.user = yield userService.getUser(1);
    this.books = yield bookService.getBooksForUser(this.user);

it('should track books that are listed for sale', function*() {
    var book = this.books[0];
    yield book.listForSale(3.99);
    var forSale = yield bookService.getBooksListedForSaleByUser(this.user);


This software is licensed under the MIT License.



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