1. karma-rollup-plugin
A Karma preprocessor plugin to offer seamless integration with Rollup
Package: karma-rollup-plugin
Created by: TrySound
Last modified: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 08:04:25 GMT
Version: 0.2.4
License: MIT
Downloads: 955
Repository: https://github.com/TrySound/karma-rollup-plugin


npm install karma-rollup-plugin
yarn add karma-rollup-plugin

karma-rollup-plugin Build Status

A Karma preprocessor plugin to offer seamless integration with rollup

This plugin is a Karma preprocessor to compile and bundle your spec entry point on the fly. It works seamless with all Rollup plugins.


  • supports Rollup by default
  • supports both Babel and Buble as the ES2015 compiler
  • sourceMap
  • recompiling of dependencies when files changes
  • ES3, ES5, ES2015, ES2016, and ES2017 (with Babel or Buble)


The easiest way is to keep karma-rollup-plugin as a devDependency. You can simple do it by:

 npm i karma-rollup-plugin --save-dev


Note! As a rule of thumb, use of umd format doesn't make sense in tests, and will throw a warning without a module name.

Following code shows the default configuration

 // karma.conf.js
module.exports = function (config) {
    preprocessors: {
     'test/**/*.js': ['rollup']
    rollupPreprocessor: {
      // rollup settings. See Rollup documentation
      plugins: [
        buble() // ES2015 compiler by the same author as Rollup
      // will help to prevent conflicts between different tests entries
      format: 'iife',
      sourceMap: 'inline'

See Rollup documentation - JavaScript API for more details.

Why this plugin?

There exist a karma-rollup-preprocessor plugin for Karma, but it contains too many bugs, and doesn't seem to be maintained atm.
This plugin try to stay true to the Rollup ecosystem.



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