1. qrcode-js-package
Cross-browser QRCode generator for javascript
Package: qrcode-js-package
Created by: davidshimjs
Last modified: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 05:25:15 GMT
Version: 1.0.4
License: MIT
Downloads: 32,287
Repository: https://github.com/davidshimjs/qrcodejs


npm install qrcode-js-package
yarn add qrcode-js-package


QRCode.js is javascript library for making QRCode. QRCode.js supports Cross-browser with HTML5 Canvas and table tag in DOM.
QRCode.js has no dependencies.

Basic Usages

<div id="qrcode"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), "http://jindo.dev.naver.com/collie");

or with some options

var qrcode = new QRCode("test", {
	text: "http://jindo.dev.naver.com/collie",
	width: 128,
	height: 128,
	colorDark : "#000000",
	colorLight : "#ffffff",
	correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H

and you can use some methods

qrcode.clear(); // clear the code.
qrcode.makeCode("http://naver.com"); // make another code.

Browser Compatibility

IE6~10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Mobile Safari, Android, Windows Mobile, ETC.


MIT License


twitter @davidshimjs

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