1. preview-card



A sizable, skinnable Vue.js card component that provides a button for modal display of overflowed content


View a demo at the wakecoder blog or check out the code in the example folder


Install, require (or import) and put in your HTML. NOTE: In most cases you will want to specify a height for the card so the front and back are the same size. This can be done via CSS. See below for more detail:

1. In a shell
 npm install --save-dev preview-card
2. In your code
 const Vue = require ('vue');
import previewCard from "preview-card/src/preview-card.vue";
const vue = new Vue ({
    el: "#app",
    data: {},
    components: {
        "preview-card": previewCard
3. In your HTML
 <preview-card transition="fade" style="height: 340px">
    <template slot="front" scope="ignore">
        Front content here
    <template slot="back" scope="ignore">
        Back content here
