1. v-use-edit-image



NPM Version build test

v-use-edit-image is a Vue Composition API library for editing image with canvas API.

You can mask image like this!


And also, you can crop, insert string, and draw images above image.
(Currently, this repo only has mask example... Sorry!)

🚀 Installation

Use the package manager npm to install v-use-edit-image.

 $ npm i v-use-edit-image

You also have to install Composition API library if you use Vue 2.x

✏️ Usage

You can crop/mask any image!

For more information, please check example directory or DM me on twitter !

(I'm writing this section...)

📚 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

👓 License