1. vue-cli-plugin-norm



Build Code style and validation, Git commit specification, quickly and fully automated! support Vue & React.

English / 简体中文

Your vscode need to install plugin:prettier eslint

Now code validation support vue2/3 + TypeScript.

Features: It is not validated at Commit, but every time if you Save File, auto fix style and validation rules.

before Start

Currently rely on Vue-cli, even if you're not using Vue.

npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli

At your project:

vue add vue-cli-plugin-norm

Start, enjoy code!

new commit:

npm run c / npm run commit

commit log view:

npm run clog

alloyteam's Doc : ESlint reference Doc.

How to uninstall

yarn remove commitizen commitlint conventional-changelog-cli husky right-pad

yarn remove babel-eslint eslint eslint-plugin-vue vue-eslint-parser eslint-config-alloy

delete commitlint.config.js .eslintrc.js .prettierrc.js at your root directory.