1. vue-customizable-datatable



A flexible and customizable datatable VueJS component




  • VueJS
  • Any css library or your custom css to give the table your desired style and classes. (It is a very customizable datatable)


 npm i vue-customizable-datatable --save


Include the component,

 import DataTable from "vue-customizable-datatable";

Then, register the component, however you like:

    components: {

And then.. use the component:


Of course, code above won't render anything. Here are the props it accepts to render some sensible data:

Prop name Description Example
title The title of the datatable
"Basic Table"
columns Columns
[ // Array of objects 
    label: "Name", // Column name
    field: "name", // Field name from row
    numeric: false,// Affects sorting
    html: false    // Escapes output if false.
rows Rows
[ // Array of objects 
  {    //check demo for examples
    name: 'Timothy',
perPage Numbers of rows per page (pagination)
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50] (default)
defaultPerPage Default rows per page
10 (default) // Default row per page
initSortCol Default column for sorting on component initialization
-1 (default) // By default table is not sorted by any column
row-click Function to execute on click. // Check 'Clickable Table' in demo for more details
alert('hey') // Function, row 1st param
clickable Clickable rows. Will fire row-click event
true (default) // Row is passed in the event payload
sortable Cause column-click to sort
true (default) // Whether sortable
searchable Add fuzzy search functionality
true (default) // Whether searchable
exactSearch Disable fuzzy search
true (default) // Whether only exact matches are returned
paginate Add footer next/prev. buttons
true (default) // Whether paginated
exportToExcel Add button to export to Excel
true (default)
printable Add printing functionality
true (default)
customButtons Custom buttons
// Array of objects
    hide: false, // Whether to hide the button
    icon: "search", // Materialize icon 
    onclick: aFunc() // Click handler 
parentDivClasses Add classes for table parent div
'table-responsive' (default)
tableClasses Add classes for table
'table table-bordered' (default)
enableCheckbox Enable checkbox for selection
false (default)
checkboxValueField Field value to return once checkbox is checked // Check 'Select Table' in demo.
checked-boxes Function to execute on check of checkbox. // Check 'Select Table' in demo for more details

Adding buttons to Rows

 <datatable title="People" ...>
  <th slot="thead-tr">
  <template slot='tbody-tr'>
            class='btn btn-default'

            class='btn btn-danger'
            class='btn btn-info'
            View Holdings