1. vue-editor-in-chief





Codesandbox Example


npm install --save vue-editor-in-chief


yarn add vue-editor-in-chief


Global Import (In main.js file)

import VueEditorChief from "vue-editor-in-chief";
import "vue-editor-in-chief/dist/vue-editor-in-chief.css";
Vue.component("VueEditorChief", VueEditorChief);

Local Import (In any component)

import VueEditorChief from "vue-editor-in-chief";
import "vue-editor-in-chief/dist/vue-editor-in-chief.css";

export default {
  name: "HelloWorld"
  components: {

Basic Usage


    text: 'Hello Input',
    placeholder: 'Type inside input...',
    background: '#D3D3D3',
    family: 'cursive',
    size: 'medium',
    color: '#000000',
    bold: true,
    italic: false,
    width: 300,
    borderColor: '#D3D3D3'


    type: 'textarea',
    text: 'Hello Textarea',
    placeholder: 'Type inside textarea...',
    background: '#1A76D2',
    family: 'sans-serif',
    size: 'large',
    color: '#000000',
    bold: true,
    italic: true,
    width: 300,
    borderColor: '#1A76D2'


  • config

    • Type - Object
    • Required - Yes
    • Description - This prop is going to have all values of edit properties.
    • Properties -
      Name Type Required Description Support Values
      text String/Null Yes The text to display. any string
      type String No The type of the text field. "input", "textarea"
      placeholder String/Null No The placeholder for the text box. any string
      bold Boolean No To bold the text. true/false
      italic Boolean No To italic the text. true/false
      color String/Null No To change the color of the text. any hex color value
      background String/Null No To change the color of the text box. any hex color value
      size String/Null No To change the font size of the text. "xx-small","x-small","small","medium","large","x-large","xx-large","xxx-large","smaller","larger","inherit","initial","unset",
      family String/Null No To change the font family of the text. "serif","sans-serif","monospace","cursive","fantasy","system-ui","ui-serif","ui-sans-serif","ui-monospace","ui-rounded","emoji","math","fangsong"
      width String/Number No To change the width of the text box. 300 or "300"
      borderColor String No To change the border color of the text box. any hex color value