1. vue-element


Vue.element plugin

Register a real Custom Element using Vue.js.


  • Only works with Vue ^0.11.0
  • The browser must support the Custom Element API (currently Chrome only), or you need to include the Web Components polyfill.


Available through npm, Component, Duo or Bower.

Direct include

If you are using Vue globally, just include vue-element.js and it will automatically install the Vue.element method.


 Vue.use(require('vue-element')) // installed
Vue.element('my-element', { /* ... */ })


Usage is the same as Vue.component() - you pass in exactly the same options as if you are defining a Vue component. A few things to note:

  • You don't need to manually instantiate a root level Vue instance. Custom Elements get auto-promoted when document.registerElement is called. You can also freely define the element before or after the markup.

  • You can expose attributes with Vue's props (0.12) or paramAttributes (0.11) option. See the example folder to see it in action.

  • Be default the element does not use Shadow DOM. If you want to enable Shadow DOM encapsulation, pass in shadow: true in your component options.