1. vue-element-validation



This is a user-defined component that can quickly verify the form, which is applicable to the projects built by Vue + element UI.

Some common methods are provided to eliminate the tedious problem that the traditional verification is written to the rules object.


npm i vue-element-validation


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Add parameters to the elements to be verified
:rules Pass in the vCheck() methods and parameters to verify the form.

// Step1: ./src/main.js

import Validation from 'vue-element-validation'

// Step2: ./src/pages/index.vue

<el-form :model="form">
    :rules="vCheck({ required: true, trigger: 'blur' })">
    <el-input type="text" v-model="form.name"></el-input>


This global component supports the Vue project based on typescript.


参数 说明 Desc
required 是否必填 Is it necessary to fill in
trigger 校验触发事件 Verification trigger event
max 最大长度 Maximum length
message 校验提示信息 Verification prompt information
min 最小值 Minimum value
minNum 最小数值 Minimum value
max 最大值 Maximum value
maxNum 最大数值 Maximum value
type='notEarlier' 不能早于当前时间 Cannot be earlier than the current time
type='notFutureTime' 不能为未来时间 Not for the future
type='number' 数字校验 Digital check
type='date' 日期时间校验 Date time verification
type='mobile' 手机校验 Mobile phone calibration
type='email' 邮箱校验 Mailbox check
type='idCard' 身份证校验 Verification of ID card
type='url' url校验 URL check
type='characters' 中英文字符串或者下划线 Chinese and English strings or underscores
type='integer' 正整数 positive integer
type='int' 整数(包括正负) Integer (including positive and negative)
type='upperCaseNumber' 匹配由数字和26个英文字母组成的字符串 Matches a string of numbers and 26 English letters
type='money' 验证金额 Verification amount
type='sales' 验证折扣 Verification discount
type='decimal' 验证最多保留两位小数的正数 Verify that a positive number of up to two decimal places is retained
type='fourdecimal' 验证最多保留四位小数的正数 Verify that a positive number of up to four decimal places is retained
type='decimals' 最多保留两位小数的正数或负数 Keep up to two decimal places positive or negative
type='mouseDecimal' 校验最多为 item.decimal(页面中设置的参数) 位小数的正数或负数 Verify up to a positive or negative number of decimal places in item.decimal (parameter set in the page)


Thank you for your support - Lean