1. vue-notify-plugin


Vue-notify-plugin 💬

Vue plugin for non-blocking notifications.


npm install vue-notify-plugin


yarn add vue-notify-plugin


 import Vue from 'vue';
import VueNotifyPlugin from 'vue-notify-plugin';

Vue.use(VueNotifyPlugin, {
    position: 'top-left'

Initialization params:

All options are optional.

Name Type Default Desciption
position String 'top-right' The location of the notifications, currently possible: top-right, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-left
maxNotifsCount Number 3 Maximum number of notifications that can be shown in notification holder
customTemplate Object - Expect vue component that will be used as a tempalte of notification content. Will get following props: message, icon, data, description, customOptions


In any of your vue-components, simply call this methods:

 this.$notify.push("Hello world!", [options])

Each notification expects message as first required argument.

Notification options:

All props are optional.

Name Type Default Desciption
duration Number 5000 The amount of milliseconds that the animation should take
showExpiration Boolean true Dispaly expiration progress bar
closeByUser Boolean false Make user to close notification by himself
closeOnClick Boolean false Close notification on click
description String - More detail notification description
date String - Date
icon String - Url of icon
customOptions Object - Additional params for custom template
onClick Function - Cotification click handler, except click on close button
onClose Function - Close button click handler


Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve
