1. vue-toaster-snackbar



Vue Toaster Snackbar is one of the best plugin available with toast and snackbar custom features.


  • Snackbar, Block and Action Blocks(WIP)
  • Packed with Responsiveness and Style (Customisable)
  • Progress Bar (enable/disable)
  • Progress Bar pause on mouseover and resume on mouseleave
  • Timeout (default: 3 seconds, infinite: 0)
  • On click actions with custom emit event and value

Getting Started

Install using npm or yarn

 # Install using npm
npm install vue-toaster-snackbar

# or Install with yarn
yarn add vue-toaster-snackbar

# register the plugin on vue ./main.js or ./main.ts   
import ToastSnackbar from 'vue-toaster-snackbar';  
import "vue-toaster-snackbar/public/toast.scss";  


# declare the component in ./App.vue  
  <div id="app">

Direct Installation

CodeSandbox example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>ToastSnackbar Vue app</title>  
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>  
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/vueToaster.umd.js"></script>  
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/public/toast.css" />  
    <div id="app">
      {{ message }}
      <button v-on:click="clickMe">Click me!</button>

      var app = new Vue({
        el: "#app",
        data: {
          message: "Hello Vue!"
        methods: {
          clickMe() {
            this.$toast.snackbar("success", "This is a success message");


  • Use the following commands from any component to trigger Toast,
 # Snackbar  
this.$toast.snackbar("success", "This is a success message")
this.$toast.snackbar("info", "This is an info message")
this.$toast.snackbar("warning", "This is a warning message")
this.$toast.snackbar("error", "This is an error message")  

# Block  
this.$toast.block("success", "Success", "This is a success message description")
this.$toast.block("info", "Info", "This is an info message description")
this.$toast.block("warning", "Warning", "This is a warning message description")
this.$toast.block("error", "Error", "This is an error message description")  

# Custom

// Custom Message Structure
ToastMessage  = {
  toastType: string; // snackbar or block
  message: string; // toast message
  description?: string; // toast description if toastType is block
  position: string; // topRight, topLeft, bottomRight, bottomLeft, topCenter, bottomCenter, topFull, bottomFull
  timeout: number; // default 3000, 0 is infinite
  status?: string; // success, info, warning, error
  showProgress?: boolean; // true/false
  emitEventName?: string; // event name to trigger on click emit  
  emitEventValue?: unknown; // value to be emitted on click


# Listen and execute your action from any component
this.$root.$on("emitEventName", (value) => {
      routing or any custom actions based on value

Coming soon 😍


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Released under the MIT License