1. vue-typeahead3


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vue-typeahead3 is a super lightweight (only 3.65Kb zipped) typeahead / autocompletion component for Vue.js 3. It's written in TypeScript using Vue.js 3 Composition API.


Currently the plugin is available via NPM and Yarn. To install it use one of the two package managers.
 // NPM
$ npm install vue-typeahead3

// Yarn
$ yarn add vue-typeahead3

After the package got installed things are straight forward. Simply import and register the component:

 // src/main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import typeahead from 'vue-typeahead3'
import "vue-typeahead3/dist/vue-typeahead.css";

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(typeahead) // register typeahead component


Once the plugin is registered you can straight up use it in your app.

Basic example:

    <typeahead :data="suggestions" v-model="food" />
    <small>You selected: {{ food }}</small>

data() {
  return {
    suggestions: [
      value: "Banana",
      category: "Fruit",
      value: "Shallots",
      category: "Vegetable",
      value: "Ananas",
      category: "Fruit",
      value: "Avocado",
      category: "Fruit",
      value: "Garlic",
      category: "Vegetable",
  food: "",


The example above only shows the base usage of the component. You can customize the overall component by using the provided props listed below:
property type required default description
v-model :heavy_check_mark: Specifies where the selected item is stored in the parent component.
suggestions Record<string, string>[] (Array of Objects) :heavy_check_mark: Suggestions to filter
placeholder string :x: Type to search... Placeholder for search input
searchKey string :x: value Specifies the key to use for the actual search.
Must either equal categoryKey or valueKey
categoryKey string :x: category Specifies the key to use for the categories.
valueKey string :x: value Specifies the key to use for the value.
maxResults number :x: 5 Specifies the max amount of suggestions displayed within the dropdown.