1. custom-scroller-px-rem



How to use

  <!-- content goes here -->


Scroller instance methods:

  • resize() resize scroller content

    Deprecated, casuse the scroller's content resizes self automatically.

  • triggerPullToRefresh() start pull-to-refresh manually
  • finishPullToRefresh() stop pull-to-refresh
  • finishInfinite(isNoMoreData :Boolean) stop infinite-loading
  • scrollTo(x:Integer, y:Integer, animate:Boolean) scroll to a position in scroller content
  • scrollBy(x:Integer, y:Integer, animate:Boolean) scroll by a position in scroller content
  • getPosition :Object get current position of scroller content

This component is a customized edition for personal use based on "Vue-scroller". Added rem support and some other features like requesting control. Take a look at code if you have interest. I did't change too much of it.
