1. babel-tape-runner
Babel + Tape for running your ES Next tests
Package: babel-tape-runner
Created by: wavded
Last modified: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 04:08:26 GMT
Version: 3.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 7,138
Repository: https://github.com/wavded/babel-tape-runner


npm install babel-tape-runner
yarn add babel-tape-runner

build status npm package dependency status

Using Babel 7: Use ^3.0.0
Using Babel 6: Use ^2.0.0
Using Babel 5: Use ^1.0.0

A test runner for tape that utilizes babel in order to run test suites that include ESNext/Harmony features.


Install globally or locally (for npm scripts):

 npm install babel-tape-runner [-g]


Just run babel-tape-runner with the files to test (just like tape's bundled runner). Store configuration in a .babelrc file.

 babel-tape-runner my-es-next-test.js

babel-tape-runner lib/**/__tests__/*-test.js # or glob patterns

For example, use this in your package.json file so you can run npm test to execute your tests:

    "scripts": {
        "test": "babel-tape-runner \"lib/**/__tests__/*-test.js\" | faucet"




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