1. changelog-verify
Verify a changelog has correct entries
Package: changelog-verify
Last modified: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 05:52:47 GMT
Version: 1.1.2
License: ISC
Downloads: 7,601


npm install changelog-verify
yarn add changelog-verify

Changelog Verify CircleCI build status

Ensure that your CHANGELOG.md contains a list of changes.

Goes great with

Add this to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "version": "version-changelog CHANGELOG.md && changelog-verify CHANGELOG.md && git add CHANGELOG.md"

Now whenever you execute npm version
(or np),
your CHANGELOG.md will be given the correct version info,
checked for validity
(did you forget to add changelog notes?)
then added to the release commit.


  Verify a changelog has correct entries

    $ changelog-verify <filename>

    --unreleased  Verify that the unreleased section has been modified.
                  (default: false)

  <filename> defaults to CHANGELOG.md

The --unreleased flag is great for confirming PRs contain a CHANGELOG note.


Given the following ./CHANGELOG.md

 # Changelog

## [2.0.0] - 2016-10-11

- Reticulated the splines

Executing the verficiation script

 changelog-verify ./CHANGELOG.md

Will return success (0).

See the tests for more usage examples.

Changelog format

This tool assumes a particular format for your changelog,
keeping in style with http://keepachangelog.com:

 <some intro text>
## [Unreleased]
<optional unreleased notes>
## [<version number>]
<required release notes>

Where <required release notes> must contain at least one non-empty string
which isn't a heading.


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