1. css-render
Generating CSS using JS with considerable flexibility and extensibility, at both server side and client side.
Package: css-render
Created by: 07akioni
Last modified: Sun, 05 May 2024 05:46:15 GMT
Version: 0.15.13
License: MIT
Downloads: 103,165
Repository: https://github.com/07akioni/css-render


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Generating CSS using JS with considerable flexibility and extensibility, at both server side and client side.

It's mainly built for library builders (who wants make their library work without css import at small overhead). It's not recommend to use it in a webapp.

It is not designed to totally replace other style-related solutions, but to be a progressive tool which can just work as a supplementary of your style files or totally replace your .css files.



Why Using It

  1. You want to ship a library without css at a small price (gzip < 2kb).
  2. Reduce size compared with static css (which contains duplicate logic).
  3. You can't write sass-like or less-like css-in-js (eg. mixin in sass or less).
  4. You want to write style variables in JS.
  5. Support an simple SSR API (now only for vue3).

Comparasion with other CSS-in-JS framework

Main differences between css-render and styled-component, jss or emotion:

  1. It doesn't do the bindings between components and styles. It is more like a style generator with low level mount and unmount API.
  2. It's easier to write like a sass mixin or less mixin.


Realword Example

Basic Example

 $ npm install --save-dev css-render
 import CssRender from 'css-render'
 * CommonJS:
 * const { CssRender } = require('css-render')

const {
} = CssRender()

const style = c('body', ({ props }) => ({
  margin: 0,
  backgroundColor: props.backgroundColor
}), [
  c('&.dark', {
    backgroundColor: 'black'
  c('.container', {
    width: '100%'

/** use it as string */
console.log(style.render({ backgroundColor: 'white' }))
 * or mount on document.head. (the following lines only work in the browser.)
// ...
 body {
  margin: 0;
  background-color: white;

body.dark {
  background-color: black;

body .container {
  width: 100%;

BEM Plugin Example

 $ npm install --save-dev css-render @css-render/plugin-bem

You can use bem plugin to generate bem CSS like this:

 import CssRender from 'css-render'
import bem from '@css-render/plugin-bem'
 * CommonJS:
 * const { CssRender } = require('css-render')
 * const { plugin: bem } = require('@css-render/plugin-bem')

const cssr = CssRender()
const plugin = bem({
  blockPrefix: '.c-'
cssr.use(plugin) // bind the plugin with the cssr instance
const {
  cB, cE, cM
} = plugin

const style = cB(
      'left, right', 
        width: '50%'
          'left, right',
            backgroundColor: 'black'

/** use it as string */
 * or mount on document.head
 * the following lines only works in browser, don't call them in node.js
// ...
 .c-container .c-container__left, .c-container .c-container__right {
  width: 50%;

.c-container.c-container--dark .c-container__left, .c-container.c-container--dark .c-container__right {
  background-color: black;

Vue3 SSR

 $ npm install --save-dev css-render @css-render/vue3-ssr

To make ssr works, you need to make

 import { h, createSSRApp, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { renderToString } from '@vue/server-renderer'

import { CssRender } from 'css-render'
import { SsrContext, ssrAdapter } from '@css-render/vue3-ssr'

const Child = defineComponent({
  setup () {
    c('div', {
      color: 'red'
      id: 'mount-id',
      // You need to pass the ssrAdapter to `mount` function
      // to make ssr work.
      // If you want it work with CSR, just set it to undefined
      ssr: ssrAdapter 
  render () {
    return 'Child'

const App = defineComponent({
  render () {
    // Wrap the SsrContext at the root of your app
    return h(SsrContext, null, {
      default: () => h(Child)

const app = createSSRApp(App)

renderToString(app).then(v => { console.log(v) })

Finally you will find the rendered SSR HTML includes mounted style.


Name Cov
css-render codecov
@css-render/plugin-bem codecov
vue3-ssr codecov


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