1. gh-pages-deploy
deploy to gh-pages with one command
Package: gh-pages-deploy
Created by: meandavejustice
Last modified: Sat, 18 Jun 2022 08:08:51 GMT
Version: 0.5.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 336
Repository: https://github.com/meandavejustice/gh-pages-deploy


npm install gh-pages-deploy
yarn add gh-pages-deploy



Deploy straight to github pages with one simple command.


# install it from npm and symlink it into your PATH
npm install gh-pages-deploy -g

# now run it!

You can also use npm run to package it with your app without installing it globally.

First add this to your scripts section of package.json:

   "scripts": {
    "deploy": "gh-pages-deploy",
    "clean-source": "rimraf README.md src webroot package.json"

And then install gh-pages-deploy as a devDependency:

npm install gh-pages-deploy --save-dev

And now you can run npm run deploy to run the gh-pages-deploy installed in the local node_modules folder (even if you have never done npm install gh-pages-deploy -g).

You can also provide a custom commit message via command line argument:

   "scripts": {
    "deploy": "gh-pages-deploy -- 'A custom commit message'",


To configure gh-pages-deploy all you need to do is specify a couple of things in your package.json (all of which are optional)

   "gh-pages-deploy": {
    "staticpath": "dist",
    "cname": "nope.org",
    "prep": [
    "commit": "a custom commit message",
    "post": [
    "noprompt": false

  • "staticpath" path to your files to be copied over to the root directory
  • "cname" content for CNAME file
  • "prep" an array of script names to run before pushing to github, this can be
    any script that you have declared in your "scripts" object in your package.json.
  • "commit" a custom commit message to be used when committing to git
  • "post" an array of script names to run after "prep", but before add/commit/push
  • "noprompt" if this is set to true, the prompt will be bypassed and you will never
    need to confirm the commands before deploying.


This repo uses gh-pages-deploy. Checkout the gh-pages
branch and the result at http://davejustice.com/gh-pages-deploy/.

This was inspired after a conversation with max ogden regarding the setup of
the Code For Portland Jekyll Pages. Inspired by the
leveldb.org repository
, I
wanted an easier way for people to generate static pages and deploy to github without
being tied to just jekyll.




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