1. jest-css-modules
A Jest processor that prevents CSS module parse errors
Package: jest-css-modules
Created by: justinsisley
Last modified: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 04:11:03 GMT
Version: 2.1.0
License: ISC
Downloads: 611,733
Repository: https://github.com/justinsisley/Jest-CSS-Modules


npm install jest-css-modules
yarn add jest-css-modules

Note: As of v2.0.0, this library is simply implementing identity-obj-proxy.
The Jest documentation provides more details on using identity-obj-proxy to solve this problem directly, and I recommend that you use that library instead of this one.

Jest CSS Modules

A Jest script processor that prevents CSS module parse errors.


 npm install -D jest-css-modules

Update your package.json file's jest configuration:

  "jest": {
    "moduleNameMapper": {
      "\\.(css|less|scss|sss|styl)$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/jest-css-modules"

Now, imports such as import styles from './MyModule.css'; will pass through Jest without causing any pain.

Supports .css, .less, .scss, .sss, and .styl extensions.

Note: If you continue to experience CSS module parsing errors after installing and configuring this library, try running jest with the --no-cache flag. Read the Jest documentation on caching for more details.


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