1. markdown-it-directive
Directive extension for markdown-it markdown parser.
Package: markdown-it-directive
Created by: hilookas
Last modified: Sun, 08 May 2022 20:18:53 GMT
Version: 1.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 1,096
Repository: https://github.com/hilookas/markdown-it-directive


npm install markdown-it-directive
yarn add markdown-it-directive



Directive extension for markdown-it markdown parser. Make your Markdown great again!

Basically follow Generic directives/plugins syntax spec on CommonMark Community and compatable with markdown-it-container.

Recommended for using with markdown-it-directive-webcomponents.


npm i markdown-it-directive


 const md = require('markdown-it')()
  .use((md) => {
    md.inlineDirectives['aaa'] = (state, content, dests, attrs, contentStart, contentEnd, directiveStart, directiveEnd) => {

    md.blockDirectives['aaa'] = (
      state, content, contentTitle, inlineContent, dests, attrs,
      contentStartLine, contentEndLine,
      contentTitleStart, contentTitleEnd,
      inlineContentStart, inlineContentEnd,
      directiveStartLine, directiveEndLine
    ) => {

markdown-it-directive plugin only extracts valid directive from the markdown document, and passes it to the corresponding registered handler for further processing.

There are two types of directive and handler, inline level and block level.

After loading this plugin, two arrays inlineDirectives and blockDirectives will be added to the md instance for registering inline level and block level handler, and it will add inline_directive and block_directive rules to block ruler and inline ruler to extract directive from the document.

Here are three directive formats that can be recognized:

 text before :directive-name[content](/link "destination" /another "one"){.class #id name=value name="string!"} text after

:: directive-name [inline content] (/link "destination" /another "one") {.class #id name=value name="string!"} content title ::

::: directive-name [inline content] (/link "destination" /another "one") {.class #id name=value name="string!"} content title ::

The name of the handler, which is the key of the array, only allows lowercase letters and -, the directive name in the document is case-insensitive, and all _ will be converted into - to find the corresponding handler.

handler will receive the parsed link destinations (ie those in ()) (ie dests), attributes (ie attrs), not unescaped content and the position of each component of the directive, and needs to store processed things in the MarkdownIt Token stream. Full details can be found in [markdown-it-directive-webcomponents] (https://github.com/hilookas/markdown-it-directive-webcomponents).


 const md = require('markdown-it')()
  .use((md) => {
    md.inlineDirectives['directive-name'] = (state, content, dests, attrs, contentStart, contentEnd, directiveStart, directiveEnd) => {
      const token = state.push('html_inline', '', 0);
      token.content = JSON.stringify({ directive: 'directive-name', content, dests, attrs }) + '\n';

    md.blockDirectives['directive-name'] = (
      state, content, contentTitle, inlineContent, dests, attrs,
      contentStartLine, contentEndLine,
      contentTitleStart, contentTitleEnd,
      inlineContentStart, inlineContentEnd,
      directiveStartLine, directiveEndLine
    ) => {
      const token = state.push('html_block', '', 0);
      token.map = [ directiveStartLine, directiveEndLine ];
      token.content = JSON.stringify({
        directive: 'directive-name (block)', content, contentTitle, inlineContent, dests, attrs,
      }) + '\n';

console.dir(md.render(`text before :directive-name[content](/link "destination" /another "one"){.class #id name=value name="string!"} text after

:: directive-name [inline content] (/link "destination" /another "one") {.class #id name=value name="string!"} content title ::

::: directive-name [inline content] (/link "destination" /another "one") {.class #id name=value name="string!"} content title ::

/* output

<p>text before {"directive":"directive-name","content":"content","dests":[["link","/link"],["string","destination"],["link","/another"],["string","one"]],"attrs":{"class":"class","id":"id","name":["value","string!"]}}
 text after</p>
{"directive":"directive-name (block)","contentTitle":"content title","inlineContent":"inline content","dests":[["link","/link"],["string","destination"],["link","/another"],["string","one"]],"attrs":{"class":"class","id":"id","name":["value","string!"]}}
{"directive":"directive-name (block)","content":"content\n","contentTitle":"content title","inlineContent":"inline content","dests":[["link","/link"],["string","destination"],["link","/another"],["string","one"]],"attrs":{"class":"class","id":"id","name":["value","string!"]}}


More examples can be found in test.js.



Copyright (c) 2020, lookas


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