1. ndoc
JavaScript API documentor with simple syntax.
Package: ndoc
Created by: nodeca
Last modified: Sat, 03 Feb 2024 19:04:43 GMT
Version: 6.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 457
Repository: https://github.com/nodeca/ndoc


npm install ndoc
yarn add ndoc

NDoc - JavaScript documentation generator


NDoc is an inline comment parser and JavaScript documentation generator written
in Node.JS. This project was inspired by PDoc.
It tries to keep compatibility, but has some differences:

  • NDoc is primarily a CLI tool, so you don't need to code your documentor,
    although it can be easily used as library.
  • Clarified EBNF syntax. Definitions now MUST be separated with an empty
    line from the following comments.
  • Added options for deprecated tag: you can set versions, when tag was
    deprecated and when method/property will be removed.
  • Added new tags: read-only, internal, chainable
  • Events support.

How to Install

We suppose that you already have Node and npm installed.
If not - try nvm.

 npm install -g ndoc


usage: ndoc [-h] [-v] [--exclude PATTERN] [-o PATH] [--use PLUGIN]
            [--alias MAPPING] [-r RENDERER] [--link-format FORMAT]
            [-t TEMPLATE] [--show-all] [--package PACKAGE] [--index FILE]
            [--gh-ribbon URL] [--broken-links ACTION] [--noenv]
            PATH[PATH ...]

Positional arguments:
  PATH                            Source files location

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help                      Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version                   Show program's version number and exit.
  --exclude PATTERN               Glob patterns of filenames to exclude (you
                                  can use wildcards: ?, *, **).
  -o PATH, --output PATH          Resulting file(s) location.
  --use PLUGIN                    Load custom plugin.
  --alias MAPPING                 Registers extensions alias. For example
                                  `cc:js` will register `cc` extension as an
                                  alias of `js`
  -r RENDERER, --render RENDERER  Documentation renderer (html, json). More
                                  can be added by custom plugins.
  --link-format FORMAT            View sources link (no links by default)
                                  format. You can use `{file}` and `{line}`
                                  and any of `{package.*}` variables for
  -t TEMPLATE, --title TEMPLATE   Documentation title template. You can use
                                  any of `{package.*}` variables for
                                  interpolation. DEFAULT: `{package.name}
                                  {package.version} API documentation`
  --show-all                      By default `internal` methods/properties
                                  are not shown. This trigger makes ndoc show
                                  all methods/properties
  --package PACKAGE               Read specified package.json FILE. When not
                                  specified, read ./package.json if such file
  --index FILE                    Index file (with introduction text), e.g.
                                  README.md file.
  --gh-ribbon URL                 Add "Fork me on GitHub" ribbon with given
                                  URL. You can use any of `{package.*}`
                                  variables for interpolation.
  --broken-links ACTION           What to do if broken link occurred (show,
                                  hide, throw). DEFAULT: `show`.
  --noenv                         Ignore .ndocrc


NDoc Syntax.
It is similar to PDoc one, with some
extensions (see start of this doc for details).

For developers

You can generate prototype documentation for test:

 make test

Then open ./tests/prototype-doc/index.html.

Custom parsers and renderers

You can create and use your own parser/renderer via --use option. Get one of
the parsers or renderers as a base template, copy it
into separate folder. Create package.json and modify it to fit your needs. Then
attach it with --use my-module argument.

Using NDoc as module

You can use NDoc as module, for example, to override default options processing.

 var NDoc = require('ndoc');

var options = {
  linkFormat  : 'http://example.com/{file}#{line}',
  output:     : 'doc'

var ast;

try {
  ast = NDoc.parse(['lib/my-module.js'], options);
} catch (err) {

try {
  NDoc.render('html', ast, options);
} catch (err) {


This project is distributed under MIT license.


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