1. path-browserify
the path module from node core for browsers
Package: path-browserify
Created by: browserify
Last modified: Tue, 07 Mar 2023 03:59:49 GMT
Version: 1.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 59,587,394
Repository: https://github.com/browserify/path-browserify


npm install path-browserify
yarn add path-browserify

path-browserify Build Status

The path module from Node.js for browsers

This implements the Node.js path module for environments that do not have it, like browsers.

path-browserify currently matches the Node.js 10.3 API.


You usually do not have to install path-browserify yourself! If your code runs in Node.js, path is built in. If your code runs in the browser, bundlers like browserify or webpack include the path-browserify module by default.

But if none of those apply, with npm do:

npm install path-browserify


 var path = require('path')

var filename = 'logo.png';
var logo = path.join('./assets/img', filename);
document.querySelector('#logo').src = logo;


See the Node.js path docs. path-browserify currently matches the Node.js 10.3 API.
path-browserify only implements the POSIX functions, not the win32 ones.


PRs are very welcome! The main way to contribute to path-browserify is by porting features, bugfixes and tests from Node.js. Ideally, code contributions to this module are copy-pasted from Node.js and transpiled to ES5, rather than reimplemented from scratch. Matching the Node.js code as closely as possible makes maintenance simpler when new changes land in Node.js.
This module intends to provide exactly the same API as Node.js, so features that are not available in the core path module will not be accepted. Feature requests should instead be directed at nodejs/node and will be added to this module once they are implemented in Node.js.

If there is a difference in behaviour between Node.js's path module and this module, please open an issue!





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