1. vue-cli-plugin-vplugin
Vue CLI 3 plugin to pluginize your Vue project based off p11n
Package: vue-cli-plugin-vplugin
Created by: davidroyer
Last modified: Mon, 23 May 2022 13:13:27 GMT
Version: 0.1.4
License: MIT
Downloads: 349
Repository: https://github.com/davidroyer/vue-cli-plugin-vplugin


npm install vue-cli-plugin-vplugin
yarn add vue-cli-plugin-vplugin

:electric_plug: vue-cli-plugin-vplugin


Vue CLI 3 plugin to pluginize your Vue project

vp = pluginization

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:star: Features

Adjust your project generated by Vue CLI 3 to plugin development environment.

  • Setup the plugin development codes for JavaScript or TypeScript
  • Build for production code with rollup
  • Adjust some files to distribute your Vue plugin
  • Adjust to the environment where developable your Vue plugin with App.vue
  • Provide demonstrate environment for your Vue plugin
  • Setup the initial documentation environment with VuePress
  • Automatically insert node_modules as rollup externals

:rocket: Getting Started

If yon don't have a project created with Vue CLI 3:

 vue create vue-your-plugin

Install the plugin into your project:

 cd vue-your-plugin
vue add vp

:package: Build Customizing

Automatically insert node_modules as externals

If you don't want to bundle dependent modules like axios at your plugin, you can make it external using dependencies of package.json.

example the below:

  "dependencies": {
    "axios": "^0.18.0"

:scroll: Changelog

Detailed changes for each release are documented in the CHANGELOG.md.

:exclamation: Issues

Please make sure to read the Issue Reporting Checklist before opening an issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.

:muscle: Contribution

Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.

:white_check_mark: TODO

See the GitHub projects



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