1. vuejs-datatable
A Vue.js component for filterable, sortable, and paginated tables.
Package: vuejs-datatable
Created by: GerkinDev
Last modified: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 20:55:41 GMT
Version: 2.0.0-alpha.7
License: MIT
Downloads: 7,359
Repository: https://github.com/GerkinDev/vuejs-datatable


npm install vuejs-datatable
yarn add vuejs-datatable


A VueJS plugin to manage data tables

Allows for quick and easy setup of filterable, sortable, and paginated tables. Currently supports Vue.js ^2.4.

npm version
Known Vulnerabilities
Build Status
Test Coverage
GitHub commit activity the past year

E2E testing over Travis realized using

:point_right: Browse the documentation :books:
:point_right: Check out the tutorials :books:

Getting started

Install the package

To install this package, simply install vuejs-datatable with your favorite package manager:

 # Using npm
npm install vuejs-datatable
# Using yarn
yarn add vuejs-datatable

Import the package

Use the ESM build

The ESM build (EcmaScript Module) implies that your target browsers supports ESM OR you use a bundler, like webpack, rollup.js or Parcel.

Import & register the DatatableFactory in Vue:

 import Vue from 'vue';
import { VuejsDatatableFactory } from 'vuejs-datatable';

Vue.use( VuejsDatatableFactory );

Check out how to customize table types to see some usage of the DatatableFactory and the possible reasons not to use the default instance exported as VuejsDatatableFactory.

Use the IIFE build

The IIFE build (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) should be prefered only for small applications without bundlers, or if you privilegiate the use of a CDN.

In your HTML, load the IIFE build directly, if possible right before the closing </body> tag. You must make sure that the loading order is preserved, like below.

    <!-- All your page content... -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.4.2/vue.js" defer></script>
    <script src="/dist/vuejs-datatable.js" defer></script>
    <script src="/myscript.js" defer></script>

The IIFE build exposes the DatatableFactory as the global VuejsDatatable. Check out how to customize table types to see some usage of the DatatableFactory.

Use the component

Use the component in your HTML or template:

 <div id="vue-root">
    <datatable :columns="columns" :data="rows"></datatable>

Then pass in the columns and the data to your Vue instance:

 new Vue({
    el: '#vue-root',
    data: {
        columns: [
            {label: 'id', field: 'id'},
            {label: 'Username', field: 'user.username', headerClass: 'class-in-header second-class'},
            {label: 'First Name', field: 'user.firstName'},
            {label: 'Last Name', field: 'user.lastName'},
            {label: 'Email', field: 'user.email'},
            {label: 'Address', representedAs: ({address, city, state}) => `${address}<br />${city}, ${state}`, interpolate: true}
        rows: [
                id: 1,
                user: {
                    username: "dprice0",
                    firstName: "Daniel",
                    lastName: "Price",
                    email: "[email protected]"
                address: "3 Toban Park",
                city: "Pocatello",
                state: "Idaho"

Customize the datatable

The DatatableFactory exposes several methods to allow you to add or modify other datatable-like components, with custom styles or behavior.

    .registerTableType( 'my-awesome-table', tableType => {
            .mergeSettings( /* ... */ )
            .setFilterHandler( /* ... */ )
            .setSortHandler( /* ... */ );
    } );


Browse the full documentation at https://gerkindev.github.io/vuejs-datatable/.

Use a development version

Sometimes, you'll need to use a development version of the module. This allow you to modify source code, run tests, and build custom versions of the module.

Always existing branches are:

  • develop: Latest changes, not yet validated.
  • staging: Changes considered as stable and planned for next release.
  • master: Releases, stable versions.

You may use other branches (for features, hotfixes, etc etc). Check out the list of branches.

 # First, clone the repo
# replace `my-branch` with the name of the branch you want to use
git clone https://github.com/GerkinDev/vuejs-datatable.git#my-branch
# Go to the repo directory
cd vuejs-datatable
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run tests
npm run test
# Build the package
npm run build

Optionaly, link your local modules so you can use it in other modules.

You may need to run the following command as sudo

 npm link




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