1. vuejs-progress-bar
A progress bar component for Vue.js
Package: vuejs-progress-bar
Created by: larsmars
Last modified: Wed, 01 Jun 2022 19:09:40 GMT
Version: 1.2.8
License: MIT
Downloads: 5,312
Repository: https://github.com/larsmars/vuejs-progress-bar


npm install vuejs-progress-bar
yarn add vuejs-progress-bar


ProgressBar for vue.js

SVG/Vector based

4 modes: Line, Circle, Cylinder and Battery


Live demo

Do you have questions or want a new feature? Use the "Issues" section :point_left:



 npm install vuejs-progress-bar --save

Import: (in your main.js)

 import ProgressBar from 'vuejs-progress-bar'


Use: (in your local .vue file/component, html section)


<!-- Options struct: -->
options: {
  text: {
    color: '#FFFFFF',
    shadowEnable: true,
    shadowColor: '#000000',
    fontSize: 14,
    fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
    dynamicPosition: false,
    hideText: false
  progress: {
    color: '#2dbd2d',
    backgroundColor: '#333333',
    inverted: false
  layout: {
    height: 35,
    width: 140,
    verticalTextAlign: 61,
    horizontalTextAlign: 43,
    zeroOffset: 0,
    strokeWidth: 30,
    progressPadding: 0,
    type: 'line'


Name Type Default Description
value Number 0 Value of progressbar %
color String #FFFFFF Text color
shadowEnable String true Text shadow enable
shadowColor String #000000 Text shadow color
hideText Boolean false Hide text (%)
fontSize String 14px Font size of % text
fontFamily String Helvetica Font family text
dynamicPosition Boolean false Progress text % follow progress bar
color String #2dbd2d Progress color, use hex or rgb
backgroundColor String #C0C0C0 Background color, use hex or rgb
inverted Boolean false Invert circle progress
width Number 140 Width
height Number 35 Height, use strok for progress height
verticalTextAlign Number 61 Positioning of % text vertical
horizontalTextAlign Number 43 Positioning of % text horizontal
zeroOffset Number 0 Offset for zero (0%) for line progress bar
strokeWidth Number 30 Width of background of progress
progressPadding Number 0 Padding between background and progress bar (line only)
type String line type of progress bar: line, circle, cylinder or battery

Update package:

1. Compile and build for production

npm run build

2. check into git

git add .
git commit -m "Message.."

3. Publish to NPM

# Do some work...

# x.x.1 -> x.x.2
npm version patch

# x.1.0 -> x.2.0
npm version minor

# 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0
npm version major


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