1. vuepress-plugin-demo-container
Vuepress plugin for demo block.
Package: vuepress-plugin-demo-container
Created by: calebman
Last modified: Mon, 23 May 2022 22:08:15 GMT
Version: 0.2.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 457
Repository: https://github.com/calebman/vuepress-plugin-demo-container


npm install vuepress-plugin-demo-container
yarn add vuepress-plugin-demo-container



Demo Container is a Vuepress-based plug-in, which can help you add Vue examples when writing documents. Its original intention is to reduce the difficulty of adding some related examples when writing component documents.

Using Vuepress to write component examples has the following embarrassment:

  1. Component examples and sample code are essentially the same, but need to be written twice;
  2. Vuepress cannot render the export default {} code block in Markdown;

The Demo Container refers to Element UI's document rendering and implements the same syntax as it can be used to write sample syntax directly in Markdown.

Click here for examples and documentation


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