1. visit-lib-tooltip-component


This plugin will show you tooltips for what ever the content you want in vue project.

Installation and Usage

You can install visit-lib-tooltip-component globally or in your project's node_modules folder.
To install the latest version on npm globally.

npm install visit-lib-tooltip-component

Once you install the library you need to import the component to the main.js or what ever the vue file you want to use the component.

import Vue from 'vue'

import VisitToolTip from 'visit-lib-tooltip-component';

Then add the directive to the element and pass the parameters as you want. You can customize the tooltip from below mentioned parameters.

<div class="label" v-visit-tooltip="{value:'Tooltip message here !',direction:'top'">Show tooltip</div>         

Tooltip properties

Property Parameter Description Sample Value
Value value Tooltip label 'Tooltip message here !'
Direction direction Direction of the tooltip 'top'/'bottom'/'left'/'right'
Background Color backgroundColor Background color of the tooltip '#202842'
Text Color textColor Text color of the label '#ffffff'
Padding padding Set padding to the tooltip '8px 10px'
Box Shadow boxShadow Set box shadow to the tooltip '0px 0px 4px rgba(32,40,66,.6)'
Disable tooltip isDisabled Show/hide tooltip true/false

Finally you can run the project

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build