1. flexi-slider


[Flexi Slider ]

prs welcome
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Welcome to version 0.0.2 of Flexi Slider, an easy to implement, and well maintained Vue.js component.

You can support this project by giving it a star, or following the author. :heart:.

:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: This is README for FlexiSlider component :exclamation::exclamation::exclamation:

Flexi Slider vue component made by Oliver

⚙ Installation

  • npm install flexi-slider --save

🤔 How to use it?

Module usage

 import Vue from 'vue';
import FlexiSlider from 'flexi-slider';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      inputData: [
          title: "Some Title 1",
          paragraph: "Some Lorem Ipsum 1",
          title: "Some Title 2",
          paragraph: "Some Lorem Ipsum 2",
          title: "Some Title 3",
          paragraph: "Some Lorem Ipsum 3",
          title: "Some Title 4",
          paragraph: "Some Lorem Ipsum 4",
 <flexi-slider />


❔ Props & event

| Name                    | Type        | Mandatory     | Description 

| :-----                  | :-------    | :--------     |------------------------------- 
| inputData               | Array       | No            | Default data array. Look at the sample above to see what data could be passed as array
| turnTimer               | Boolean     | No            | False by default. If true, slider will change slides automatically
| timerInterval           | Number      | No            | Time interval in miliseconds for chaning slides. By default it is set to 2000ms (slides will change automatically in every 2 seconds)
| transitionOn            | Boolean     | No            | Turn on or turn off the transition. By default, transition is turn on.
| transitionName          | String      | No            | Change the transition class with your custom class. By default, the name of the transition class is slider
| nextButtonText          | String      | No            | Text for the next button
| prevButtonText          | String      | No            | Text for the prev button
