1. argon2
An Argon2 library for Node
Package: argon2
Created by: ranisalt
Last modified: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 23:24:00 GMT
Version: 0.40.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 1,003,559
Repository: https://github.com/ranisalt/node-argon2


npm install argon2
yarn add argon2


Financial contributors on Open Collective
Build status
NPM package

Bindings to the reference Argon2

Want to use it on the command line? Instead check


It's possible to hash using either Argon2i, Argon2d or Argon2id (default), and
verify if a password matches a hash.

To hash a password:

 const argon2 = require('argon2');

try {
  const hash = await argon2.hash("password");
} catch (err) {

To see how you can modify the output (hash length, encoding) and parameters
(time cost, memory cost and parallelism),
read the wiki

To verify a password:

 try {
  if (await argon2.verify("<big long hash>", "password")) {
    // password match
  } else {
    // password did not match
} catch (err) {
  // internal failure

Migrating from another hash function

See this article on the wiki for steps on how to migrate your existing code to Argon2. It's easy!

TypeScript usage

A TypeScript type declaration file is published with this module. If you are
using TypeScript 2.0.0 or later, that means you do not need to install any
additional typings in order to get access to the strongly typed interface.
Simply use the library as mentioned above.

 import * as argon2 from "argon2";

const hash = await argon2.hash(..);

Prebuilt binaries

node-argon2 provides prebuilt binaries from v0.26.0 onwards. They are
built every release using GitHub Actions.

The current prebuilt binaries are built and tested with the following systems:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (x86-64; ARM64 from v0.28.2)
  • MacOS 11 (x86-64)
  • MacOS 12 (ARM64 from v0.29.0)
  • Windows Server 2019 (x86-64)
  • Alpine Linux 3.18 (x86-64 from v0.28.1; ARM64 from v0.28.2)
  • FreeBSD 14 (x86-64 from v0.29.1)

Binaries should also work for any version more recent than the ones listed
above. For example, the binary for Ubuntu 20.04 also works on Ubuntu 22.04, or
any other Linux system that ships a newer version of glibc; the binary for
MacOS 11 also works on MacOS 12. If your platform is below the above
requirements, you can follow the Before installing
section below to manually compile from source. It is also always recommended to
build from source to ensure consistency of the compiled module.

Before installing

You can skip this section if the prebuilt binaries work for you.

You MUST have a node-gyp global install before proceeding with the install,
along with GCC >= 5 / Clang >= 3.3. On Windows, you must compile under Visual
Studio 2015 or newer.

node-argon2 works only and is tested against Node >=18.0.0.


To install GCC >= 5 on OSX, use homebrew:

 $ brew install gcc

Once you've got GCC installed and ready to run, you then need to install
node-gyp, you must do this globally:

 $ npm install -g node-gyp

Finally, once node-gyp is installed and ready to go, you can install this
library, specifying the GCC or Clang binary to use:

 $ CXX=g++-12 npm install argon2

NOTE: If your GCC or Clang binary is named something different than g++-12,
you'll need to specify that in the command.


How do I manually rebuild the binaries?
 $ npx @mapbox/node-pre-gyp rebuild -C ./node_modules/argon2

Run @mapbox/node-pre-gyp instead of node-gyp because node-argon2's
binding.gyp file relies on variables from @mapbox/node-pre-gyp.

You can omit npx @mapbox and use just node-pre-gyp if you have a global
installation of @mapbox/node-pre-gyp, otherwise prefixing npx will use
the local one in ./node_modules/.bin

How do I skip installing prebuilt binaries and manually compile from source?

You can do either of the two methods below:

  1. Force build from source on install.
 $ npm install argon2 --build-from-source
  1. Ignore node-argon2 install script and build manually.
 $ npm install argon2 --ignore-scripts
$ npx @mapbox/node-pre-gyp rebuild -C ./node_modules/argon2
I installed Node as a snap, and I can't install node-argon2.

This seems to be an issue related to snap (see #345 (comment)). Installing Node with another package manager, such as asdf or nvm, is a possible workaround.

Differences from node-argon2-ffi

The interface of both are very similar, notably, node-argon2-ffi splits the
argon2i and argon2d function set, but this module also has the argon2id option,
which node-argon2-ffi does not support. Also, while node-argon2-ffi
suggests you promisify crypto.randomBytes, node-argon2 library does that

node-argon2 is much lighter than node-argon2-ffi, at 184 KB for
[email protected] against 2.56 MB for [email protected]. Performance-wise, the
libraries are equal. You can run the same benchmark suite if you are curious,
but both can perform around 130 hashes/second on an Intel Core i5-4460 @ 3.2GHz
with default options.

This library is implemented natively, meaning it is an extension to the node
engine. Thus, half of the code is C++ bindings, the other half is Javascript
functions. node-argon2-ffi uses ffi, a mechanism to call functions from one
language in another, and handles the type bindings (e.g. JS Number -> C++ int).


Code contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].

Financial contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]



Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]


Work licensed under the MIT License. Please check
P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2 for
license over Argon2 and the reference implementation.


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