1. babel-plugin-lodash
Modular Lodash builds without the hassle.
Package: babel-plugin-lodash
Created by: lodash
Last modified: Sun, 10 Sep 2023 02:39:06 GMT
Version: 3.3.4
License: MIT
Downloads: 2,886,781
Repository: https://github.com/lodash/babel-plugin-lodash


npm install babel-plugin-lodash
yarn add babel-plugin-lodash


A simple transform to cherry-pick Lodash modules so you don’t have to.

Combine with lodash-webpack-plugin
for even smaller cherry-picked builds!


 $ npm i --save lodash
$ npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-lodash @babel/cli @babel/preset-env



 import _ from 'lodash'
import { add } from 'lodash/fp'

const addOne = add(1)
_.map([1, 2, 3], addOne)

roughly to

 import _add from 'lodash/fp/add'
import _map from 'lodash/map'

const addOne = _add(1)
_map([1, 2, 3], addOne)


  "plugins": ["lodash"],
  "presets": [["@babel/env", { "targets": { "node": 6 } }]]

Set plugin options using an array of [pluginName, optionsObject].

  "plugins": [["lodash", { "id": "lodash-compat", "cwd": "some/path" }]],
  "presets": [["@babel/env", { "targets": { "node": 6 } }]]

The options.id can be an array of ids.

  "plugins": [["lodash", { "id": ["async", "lodash-bound"] }]],
  "presets": [["@babel/env", { "targets": { "node": 6 } }]]
Babel CLI
 $ babel --plugins lodash --presets @babel/es2015 script.js
Babel API
 require('babel-core').transform('code', {
  'plugins': ['lodash'],
  'presets': [['@babel/env', { 'targets': { 'node': 6 } }]]
 'module': {
  'loaders': [{
    'loader': 'babel-loader',
    'test': /\.js$/,
    'exclude': /node_modules/,
    'query': {
      'plugins': ['lodash'],
      'presets': [['@babel/env', { 'targets': { 'node': 6 } }]]


Can this plugin produce ES2015 imports rather than CommonJS imports?

This plugin produces ES2015 imports by default. The
plugin, which is included in the @babel/preset-es2015
preset, transforms ES2015 import statements to CommonJS. Omit it from your
preset to preserve ES2015 style imports.


  • You must use ES2015 imports to load Lodash
  • Babel < 6 & Node.js < 4 aren’t supported
  • Chain sequences aren’t supported. See this blog post for alternatives.
  • Modularized method packages aren’t supported


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