1. conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
conventional-changelog conventionalcommits.org preset
Package: conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
Created by: conventional-changelog
Last modified: Fri, 08 Sep 2023 22:46:41 GMT
Version: 7.0.2
License: ISC
Downloads: 15,354,059
Repository: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog


npm install conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
yarn add conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits


NPM version
Node version
Dependencies status
Build status
Coverage status

A concrete implementation of the specification described at conventionalcommits.org for automated CHANGELOG generation and version management.


 # yarn
yarn add -D conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
# pnpm
pnpm add -D conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
# npm
npm i -D conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits

Indirect Usage (as preset)

Use the Conventional Changelog CLI Quick Start with the -p conventionalcommits option.

Direct Usage (as a base preset so you can customize it)

If you want to use this package directly and pass options, you can use the Conventional Changelog CLI Quick Start and with the --config or -n parameter, pass a js config that looks like this:

 const createPreset = require('conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits')

  issuePrefixes: ['TEST-'],
  issueUrlFormat: 'https://myBugTracker.com/{{prefix}}{{id}}'
}).then((config) => {
  // do something with the config

or json config like that:

  "options": {
    "preset": {
      "name": "conventionalchangelog",
      "issuePrefixes": ["TEST-"],
      "issueUrlFormat": "https://myBugTracker.com/{{prefix}}{{id}}"

This last json config way passes the preset object to the conventional-changelog-preset-loader package, that in turn, passes this same preset object as the config for the conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits.

See conventional-changelog-config-spec for available configuration options.


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