1. globals
Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments
Package: globals
Created by: sindresorhus
Last modified: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 08:21:35 GMT
Version: 15.1.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 316,137,160
Repository: https://github.com/sindresorhus/globals


npm install globals
yarn add globals


Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments

It's just a JSON file, so use it in any environment.

This package is used by ESLint.

This package no longer accepts new environments. If you need it for ESLint, just create a plugin.


 npm install globals


 const globals = require('globals');

	addEventListener: false,
	applicationCache: false,
	ArrayBuffer: false,
	atob: false,

Each global is given a value of true or false. A value of true indicates that the variable may be overwritten. A value of false indicates that the variable should be considered read-only. This information is used by static analysis tools to flag incorrect behavior. We assume all variables should be false unless we hear otherwise.

For Node.js this package provides two sets of globals:

  • globals.nodeBuiltin: Globals available to all code running in Node.js.
    These will usually be available as properties on the global object and include process, Buffer, but not CommonJS arguments like require.
    See: https://nodejs.org/api/globals.html
  • globals.node: A combination of the globals from nodeBuiltin plus all CommonJS arguments ("CommonJS module scope").
    See: https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_the_module_scope

When analyzing code that is known to run outside of a CommonJS wrapper, for example, JavaScript modules, nodeBuiltin can find accidental CommonJS references.


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