1. known-css-properties
List of known CSS properties
Package: known-css-properties
Created by: known-css
Last modified: Thu, 07 Mar 2024 18:49:40 GMT
Version: 0.30.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 22,017,667
Repository: https://github.com/known-css/known-css-properties


npm install known-css-properties
yarn add known-css-properties


Known CSS properties

List of standard and browser specific CSS properties.

Renovate enabled
Npm downloads


  1. Standard properties (only 'REC', 'CR', 'LC', 'WD', 'FPWD', 'ED' statuses): http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/all-properties.en.json
  2. Browser supported properties from window.getComputedStyle / document.body.style

Browser versions


Name Versions
Chrome 14 - 122
Firefox 6 - 122
Edge 13 - 18
Safari 6, 6.2, 7 - 9, 9.1, 10.0, 11.0, 11.1, 12.0, 12.1, 13.0, 13.1, 14, 14.1, 15.1, 15.4, 16.0, 16.5, 17.0, 17.1
Internet Explorer 8 - 11
Opera 12.10, 12.14, 12.15, 12.16, 36 - 40, 45, 56, 58


Name Versions
iOS Safari 6 - 8, 8.3, 9.0, 9.3, 10.0, 10.2, 10.3, 11.0, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 12.0 , 12.1, 13.1, 14, 14.1, 15.1, 15.4, 15.6, 16.0, 16.4, 17.0, 17.3
Chrome for Android 30, 35, 37, 44, 46, 51, 55 - 62, 64, 66 - 76, 78 - 79, 81, 83, 91, 94, 96, 100, 101, 110, 113 - 114, 117
Firefox for Android 47, 52 - 54, 57, 58, 62 - 64, 66, 68, 81, 85, 91, 99, 101, 106, 110, 115, 118, 123
IE mobile 11
Opera Mobile 42.7, 43, 47.1, 73.2
Samsung Internet 4.0, 6.4, 7.4, 8.2, 9.0, 14.2, 19.0, 22.0, 23.0
UC Browser for Android 11.2, 12.9, 12.10, 13.1, 13.4

JavaScript API

 const properties = require('known-css-properties').all;


We use SauceLabs live testing solution for gathering most of the data.


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