1. mappet
Lightweight, composable mappers for object transformations
Package: mappet
Created by: MichalZalecki
Last modified: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 15:57:09 GMT
Version: 4.3.1
License: ISC
Downloads: 6,424
Repository: https://github.com/MichalZalecki/mappet


npm install mappet
yarn add mappet



Lightweight, composable mappers for object transformations/normalization.

API Docs | Examples

Installation (npm)

npm i -S mappet

Use cases

  • Fault tolerant object transformations, no more Cannot read property of undefined.
  • Normalizing API responses shape and key names e.g. to camelCase or flattening nested payloads
  • Preparing nested API request payloads from flat form data
  • Filtering object entries e.g. omitting entries with undefined value
  • Per field modifications e.g. null to empty string to make React inputs happy



Simple value to value transformation

 const schema = {
  firstName: "first_name",
  cardNumber: "card.number",
const mapper = mappet(schema);
const source = {
  first_name: "Michal",
  last_name: "Zalecki",
  card: {
    number: "5555-5555-5555-4444",
const result = mapper(source);
// {
//   firstName: "Michal",
//   cardNumber: "5555-5555-5555-4444",
// }

Mapping values

Schema entries can be also option objects of path, modifier, and include. Modifier accepts selected value and original source object.

 const formatDate = (date, source) => moment(date).format(source.country === "us" ? "MM/DD/YY" : "DD/MM/YY");
const upperCase = v => v.toUpperCase();

const schema = {
  country: { path: "country", modifier: upperCase },
  date: { path: "date", modifier: formatDate },
const mapper = mappet(schema);
const source = {
  country: "gb",
  date: "2016-07-30",
const result = mapper(source);
// {
//   country: "GB",
//   date: "30/07/16",
// }

Filtering entries

Using include you can control which values should be keept and what dropped.

 const isGift = (value, source) => source.isGift;

const schema = {
  quantity: ["quantity"],
  message: { path: "giftMessage", include: isGift },
  remind_before_renewing: { path: "remindBeforeRenewingGift", include: isGift },
const mapper = mappet(schema);
const source = {
  quantity: 3,
  isGift: false,
  giftMessage: "All best!",
  remindBeforeRenewingGift: true,
const result = mapper(source);
// {
//   quantity: 3,
// };

Composing mappers

Mappers are just closures. It's easy to combine them using modifiers.

 const userSchema = {
  firstName: "first_name",
  lastName: "last_name",
const userMapper = mappet(userSchema);

const usersSchema = {
  totalCount: "total_count",
  users: { path: "items", modifier: users => users.map(userMapper) },
const usersMapper = mappet(usersSchema);

const source = {
  total_count: 5,
  items: [
    { first_name: "Michal", last_name: "Zalecki" },
    { first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe" },
const result = usersMapper(source);
// {
//   totalCount: 5,
//   users: [
//     { firstName: "Michal", lastName: "Zalecki" },
//     { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" },
//   ],
// }

Strict mode

Mappers in strict mode will throw exception when value is not found on source object.

 const schema = {
  firstName: "first_name",
  lastName: "last_name",
const mapper = mappet(schema, { strict: true });
const source = {
  first_name: "Michal",
const result = mapper(source);
// Uncaught Mappet: last_name not found

You can specify mapper name for easier debugging.

 const userMapper = mappet(schema, { strictMode: true, name: "User Mapper" });
const user = mapper(source);
// Uncaught User Mapper: last_name not found

Greedy mode

Mappers in greedy mode will copy all properties from source object.

 const schema = {
  last_name: { path: "last_name", modifier: str => str.toUpperCase() },
const mapper = mappet(schema, { greedy: true });
const source = {
  first_name: "Michal",
  last_name: "Zalecki",
  email: "[email protected]",
const actual = mapper(source);
// {
//   first_name: "Michal",
//   last_name: "ZALECKI",
//   email: "[email protected]",
// }

See tests for more examples.



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