1. pg-hstore
A module for serializing and deserializing JSON data into hstore format
Package: pg-hstore
Created by: scarney81
Last modified: Tue, 07 Mar 2023 03:01:17 GMT
Version: 2.3.4
License: MIT
Downloads: 1,410,476
Repository: https://github.com/scarney81/pg-hstore


npm install pg-hstore
yarn add pg-hstore

Build Status


A node package for serializing and deserializing JSON data to hstore format

Install pg-hstore

 $ npm install pg-hstore



 var hstore = require('pg-hstore')();
var source = { foo: "oof", bar: "rab", baz: "zab" };
hstore.stringify(source, function(result) {
  // result = '"foo"=>"oof", "bar"=>"rab", "baz"=>"zab"'


 var hstore = require('pg-hstore')();
var source = '"foo"=>"oof", "bar"=>"rab", "baz"=>"zab"';
hstore.parse(source, function(result) {
  // result = { foo: "oof", bar: "rab", baz: "zab" } 


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