1. postsvg
A tiny wrapper over posthml with the same API optimized for working with SVG
Package: postsvg
Created by: JetBrains
Last modified: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 11:48:08 GMT
Version: 2.2.7
License: MIT
Downloads: 56,237
Repository: https://github.com/JetBrains/svg-mixer


npm install postsvg
yarn add postsvg


A tiny wrapper over posthtml with the same
API optimized for working with SVG.

Differences from PostHTML

  • Content is parsed in xml mode.
  • Properly renders SVG self-closing tags (<path />, <line /> etc).
  • Processing result is instance of Tree class which is wrapper
    around Array and backward compatible with posthtml parser.


PostSVG tree has several useful methods for work with AST:

 const { parse } = require('postsvg');

const tree = parse('<svg><path /><path class="qwe" /></svg>');

 * `root` getter returns <svg> node
 * @return {Node}

 * Find all <path/> nodes
 * @return {Array<Node>}

 * Select only nodes with class="qwe"
 * @return {Array<Node>}

 * Fill each <path/> node with red color 
tree.each('path', node => node.attrs.fill = 'red');

Node has following structure:

  tag: string,
  attrs?: Object,
  content?: Array<Node>




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