1. recursive-readdir-sync
NodeJS library to recursively read a directory path's contents synchronously
Package: recursive-readdir-sync
Created by: battlejj
Last modified: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 09:37:16 GMT
Version: 1.0.6
License: MIT
Downloads: 112,685
Repository: https://github.com/battlejj/recursive-readdir-sync


npm install recursive-readdir-sync
yarn add recursive-readdir-sync


NodeJS library to recursively read a directory path's contents synchronously

A simple Node module for synchronously listing all files in a directory, or in any subdirectories.

It does not list directories themselves.

This library uses synchronous filesystem calls. That means this library uses BLOCKING calls. Keep that in mind
when using it.


npm install recursive-readdir-sync


 var recursiveReadSync = require('recursive-readdir-sync')
  , files

try {
  files = recursiveReadSync('/your/path/here');
} catch(err){
  if(err.errno === 34){
    console.log('Path does not exist');
  } else {
    //something unrelated went wrong, rethrow
    throw err;

console.log('Files array:', files);

//loop over resulting files
for(var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++){
  console.log('Found: %s', files[i]);


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