1. rollup-plugin-babel-minify
Simple rollup plugin for minifying code using babel-minify.
Package: rollup-plugin-babel-minify
Created by: Comandeer
Last modified: Mon, 16 May 2022 04:15:58 GMT
Version: 10.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 12,130
Repository: https://github.com/Comandeer/rollup-plugin-babel-minify


npm install rollup-plugin-babel-minify
yarn add rollup-plugin-babel-minify


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Allows using babel-minify with Rollup.

☠️ Project is deprecated! ☠️

Version 10.0.0, released on 2020-03-14, will be the last version of the project, as babel-minify is basically dead. Please consider using rollup-plugin-terser instead.


 npm install rollup-plugin-babel-minify [--save-dev]


 import { rollup } from 'rollup';
import minify from 'rollup-plugin-babel-minify';

rollup( {
	input: './src/index.js',
	plugins: [
		minify( {
			// Options for babel-minify.
		} )
} );

For the list of options, check babel-minify preset's docs.

There are additional options:

  • comments (default: true): indicates if comments should be preserved in source;
  • banner (default: undefined): the comment which should be prepended to the transformed bundle;
  • bannerNewLine (since 4.0.0, default: false): indicates if the banner comment should be followed by a new line;
  • sourceMap (default: true): indicates if sourcemap should be generated;
  • plugins (since 6.2.0): indicates which Babel plugins should be loaded alongside minify preset; two plugins are loaded by default:

Check API docs for more detailed description.


See LICENSE file for details.


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