1. rollup-plugin-filesize
A rollup plugin to show filesize in the cli
Package: rollup-plugin-filesize
Created by: ritz078
Last modified: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:42:46 GMT
Version: 10.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 198,401
Repository: https://github.com/ritz078/rollup-plugin-filesize


npm install rollup-plugin-filesize
yarn add rollup-plugin-filesize


A rollup plugin to show filesize in the cli


npm install rollup-plugin-filesize


 import { rollup } from 'rollup';
import filesize from 'rollup-plugin-filesize';

  entry: 'main.js',
  plugins: [



type: boolean
default: true

Whether to show minified size or not


type: boolean
default: true

Whether to show Gzipped size or not


type: boolean
default: false

Whether to show Brotli size or not


Note: this feature is experimental and may be changed in a future release.

type: "release", "build", or "none"
default: "none"

Indicates how, if any, comparisons will be shown between the
output.file file size as it was and as it is now being written.

If set to "release", will compare the file size at present to that of
the last npm release.

If set to "build", the size of the file that is now being built will
be compared to the immediately previous build. This means that if you run
Rollup multiple times with this option, the info on the previous package
size will be lost (since Rollup will have overwritten your copy), so with
this option, you will need to consult your terminal history to see what the
file size was prior to your changes. This option may be useful if you wish
to compare size changes incrementally as you are developing rather than
comparing to your last release.


type : object

default : {}

See the options here


(Note that this replaces the deprecated optional render function option.)

type : A reporter string (currently "boxen" only), a function, or an array thereof.

Defaults to "boxen".

After rendering occurs, you may wish to pass on the collected file data,
e.g., to build a badge for filesizes (as does filesize-badger).

You can use reporter to do so:

	reporter: [
		function (options, bundle, {
			minSize, gzipSize, brotliSize, bundleSize,
			// "showBeforeSizes: release"
			// "showBeforeSizes: "release" or "showBeforeSizes": "build"
			bundleSizeBefore, brotliSizeBefore, minSizeBefore, gzipSizeBefore
		}) {
			// If a promise is returned, it will be awaited before rendering.
			return promise;


type: string

default : 'dark'

options : 'dark'/'light'

choose based on your terminal theme.




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